Tuesday 4 April 2006

A couple of new toys!

ok, so I went out and got a decent digital camera the other week, because I was sick of going to events and taking crappy photos like the ones from the Big Day Out and Good Vibrations.

It's a Fuji film FinePix S5600

I also got to play in Berri the other week, and gave my camera it's first proper run.

It worked REALLY well. As I only had a 16 meg memory card, I put the camera on it's lowest resolution setting and the photos are excellent.

You can check the pics on the inthemix.com.au website.

I also picked up an xbox360 the other day at launch... Yeah, I know, I'm a geek...

Took my camera out and took some pics for Xboxworld.com.au. More pics at the site.
Been playing 'The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion' mainly, which I'm enjoying quite a bit, but I don't think it's the be all of RPGs.

If you don't know, the Xbox360 live service tracks a lot of stats about games, and anyone can access them. If you want to see my gamer card, well, here it is:

I've also managed to get a new bed, matress, bedroom furintune, lounge and computer...

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